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What To Do When You Feel Stuck In Your Job and/or Home Business

To date, I truly believe that when we find ourselves with this "STUCK" feeling from being in a job and/or home business it's time to get creative and find out what our life's purpose is. Personally, I've been in this excruciating experience one too many times, and I'm beginning to enjoy the experience.

I say that I'm beginning to enjoy the experience because each and every time I crunch down during one of these period my life blooms into a wonderful direction and my life becomes easier with a more concrete direction and vision for what's ahead. I also want to say it's a blessing to even be able to come to the end of myself and get quiet enough to hear what life has to offer me. Life is showing me what my purpose is after I've determined without a shadow of doubt the direction I've committed to pursue.

As I've been a work-from-home independent contractor for some time now, I've come across enough people, leaders, mentors and dreamers to know that "if it's going to be, it's up to me!"'s time to design a life worth living and quit allowing life to run rough house around you. I've heard it said this way before... "There are no evelators to success! You MUST take the stairs, [and step by step create a life of success you're proud of!]"

So I would like you to consider that "YOUR STUCK feeling" is exactly where you want to be and is exactly where you're supposed to be! Don't take it for granted and do not ignore this amazing awareness that there's more for you to design in your life!

It's always baffled me how people go to work and go on interviews saying why they should be hired for a job which typically leads to their unfilled life's callings. They state how wonderful they are and what they're willing to do for the company, but with the same breath, they don't truly believe in what they're saying because if they did, they'd find a way to do it for themselves, especially those with an entrepreneurial streak inside.

I feel that this is why we see so many people who were born but are not living today! Find your passion and then help others! You know there's nothing wrong with selling! You're selling in some fashion daily even if it just selling yourself that you're the greatest! SMILE

One more consideration for with others and find out how they've made, are making a way for themselves, and/or what they're considering as their life's journey! It's a human experience and you don't have to go it alone!


P.S. I invite you to watch and consider the ideas in this short video--click here. If you find one path doesn't work for you, keep plowing your field! Your purpose is bound to show up!

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